Sometimes parents need some extra support.
You might need some help to improve you or your child’s mental health & wellbeing. This section explains the different types of support that you can access.

Empowering Parents, Empowering Communities
Course: Being a Parent
What is it? A group of 12 parents with children aged 2-11
EPEC is a proven intervention that helps children and families get the very best start in life. The course is led by parents who are trained and supervised. Free childcare is available. The NHS recommends EPEC as it is underpinned by rigorous research and practice evidence showing a significant impact on children’s social, emotional and behavioural outcomes, parenting, family resilience and relationships. EPEC programmes are very popular and highly valued by a wide range of parents in every type of community.
Being A Parent Group starting in Johnstone on Friday 27th October to Friday 15th & December from 9.10am – 12pm
Location: Station 7, Quarry Street, Johnstone, Renfrewshire, PA5 8DZ
E-mail or call 01505 331931 to book a place or for more information.
Klas Care, Active Communities, Barnardo’s and Renfrewshire Council are working with local parent volunteers to deliver parenting groups for parents or carers of 2 to 11-year-olds as part of a new parenting programme called Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC).
Being A Parent Groups consist of 9 two-hour long weekly sessions led by two trained and accredited local parent volunteers. The sessions are interactive and will help you to become a more confident parent and develop your parenting skills.
You’ll have the chance to meet and share ideas with other parents and learn different strategies to help you as a parent. Sessions are interactive with a blend of group discussions, role play, demonstrations, information sharing and reflection. Parents get to practice and use new skills in everyday life.
Free Creche available. Tea and Coffee provided
NVR Renfrewshire
What is it?
NVR is a relationship-based approach with an emphasis on
connection, repair, adult’s presence and responding to children and
young peoples distressed and distressing behaviour. The 8-week parent group programme consists of weekly sessions facilitated by qualified NVR practitioners with experience supporting children, young people & their families.
The NVR approach was developed to address distressed and distressing behaviour in children and young people, and it has been successful in the fields of foster and kinship care, adoption, self-harm, anxiety, avoidance and in supporting neurodevelopmental needs.
NVR groups guarantee a compassionate and understanding approach to the challenges you may be facing.
Parents who have completed NVR programmes have reported better relationships and increased confidence in supporting their child’s emotions and behaviour.
Find out more about the elements of NVR (NVR YouTube channel)
Watch the video below to find out more.
Recovery Across Mental Health
RAMH supports people across Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire in their recovery from mental ill health, and empowers people to build independent, fulfilled lives.
They offer a range of free, confidential services which provide:
- Immediate support in crisis situations for residents aged 16 and over in Renfrewshire
- Individualised care and practical support to people in their own homes
- One to one counselling sessions with a qualified counsellor
- Employability support to help individuals gain or maintain employment and/or volunteering opportunities
- A range of social, creative, therapeutic, educational and physical activity groups
- Support to family, friends, carers and the wider community through information and education
Let’s Introduce Anxiety Management (LIAM) is a training and intervention package based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). The LIAM package was developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and it is being offered in various health boards across Scotland. Within the Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GG&C) area, this is delivered by the NHS Early Intervention Training in Psychological Skills (EI-TIPS) team.
LIAM is designed to help children and young people aged between 8-18 years who are experiencing milder difficulties with anxiety. It supports them to learn more about anxiety, including how anxiety is linked with our thoughts, physical sensations and our actions. It also helps children and young people find ways to cope with feelings of anxiety.
Children and young people (and parents/carers, where appropriate) meet with a LIAM worker for around 8 sessions to work through structured LIAM sessions together. Each LIAM session has a session plan to follow, a workbook to complete with the child/young person and they are also asked to complete tasks in between sessions. Materials and plans are available to deliver LIAM in one-to-one and group sessions.
If you feel any of these services would be beneficial to you or your family’s wellbeing and would like to discuss then please click the link below.
What happens next? Once you have submitted a request for assistance one of our Community Family Wellbeing team will contact you to look at which support is most appropriate.

SHOUT is a 24/7 text service where anyone, of any age, can text if they are struggling to cope or need mental health support.
This service is free and confidential from all major UK networks.
SHOUT aims to respond within 5 minutes to support anyone in immediate distress.
Texting ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 is anonymous and will not show up on your phone bill.

information for parents and carers to support your young person’s mental health.

Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing.
FREE to all aged 16-25 in Renfrewshire.

Sleep Scotland
We recognise that good sleep is essential to our children and young people’s health and wellbeing. In Renfrewshire, we have a number of local, trained Sleep Counsellors available to offer advice and guidance with regards to child and teenage sleep issues. We are also committed to providing support for parents, carers and educators through delivering sessions in schools which are aimed at supporting them to help children and young people to get a good night’s sleep. You can access sleep information and resources through the Sleep Scotland website below.
Supporting a loved one with an eating disorder? Need extra support?
Click the link below and see how Beat can help!

School Support Service
The School Support service is designed to provide an easily accessible advice service for parents or carers of a child at secondary school, or for young people 16+ themselves who may want a bit of advice around money, benefits and allowances they can claim, debt, housing and more. An adviser from Renfrewshire Citizens Advice Bureau will be visiting all secondary schools and will have a number of bookable appointments each day.
The School Support booking system is now live, and appointments can be booked here:
Parents/carers can book an appointment at any school.
The service is free and confidential.