The Promise

The Promise is the concluding report from the findings of the Independent Care Review. The Independent Care Review heard the stories of over 5500+ Care Experienced children, adults, and their families, as well as consulting the workforce – many of which lived in or around Renfrewshire. It sets out a clear vision for organisational and cultural change across Scotland, to ensure that all Care Experienced children and young people grow up to be loved, respected and able to fulfil their potentials. However, it is also important to celebrate the good work which is already being carried out across the local authority and nationally.

The Promise is built on the foundation of five pillars; Family, Voice, Care, People and Scaffolding, which sets out the key areas of change for how children and their families are supported across Scotland. The Promise also sets out a clear commitment for all corporate parents to have an enhanced understanding of the experiences of those who have spent time in care and to drive forward the findings and recommendations. The Promise challenges all of us to make the necessary changes are made across a wide range of areas to ensure that we #KeepThePromise to all Care Experienced children and young people across Renfrewshire.


The Promise Main Document

The main concluding report of the findings of The Independent Care Review and key recommendations for change.

The Pinky Promise

Version for children and young people.

The Promise Composite Stories

A range of composite stories have been created from the 5500+ voices that were heard by the Independent Care Review. While these are not real people, the composite stories are compilations of many true stories and lived experiences of a wide range of care settings and circumstances.

Plan 21-24

Plan 21-24 sets out a series of outcomes that must be achieved nationally between 2021 and 2024